Monday, January 19, 2015

مثلك لا ينام

ألا ليت السماء على أرضها وقعت وسُجِّرت بحارٌ ومادت بطباقها السبع
لعمر دمعك ما حوي القلب غير نار فوق نار تسفك جهنم لهيب قيظٍ وقار
إن أنت تصعدت فلعنة الأعالي على الأقدار تسفك الارواح خاسئة من خوان
و حينذا النائبات نعين كريما ألا ليت الله حرقُهنَ وما استقام حسام من جراب
ألا ما أنباهن أن مثلك يموت وأنت إذ نمت نامت بيد وانهدت قبائل من حِراب

Thursday, February 21, 2013

He wasn't died.

As my strange, fortuitous, incredible and tiresome day come to an end. I bent throbbing  temples on my desk trying to recall what I have heard  from Marzouk , my paternal Syrian cousin, who came two days ago from Syria .

 I want to narrate upfront what my grandparents told me:  " After the Nakba the whole family scattered  and the connection between us was a false miracle. Somebody swore that he saw Said -the elder brother of my granddad-  in Jordan at the year 1960 and he accompanied him to his small shop at Aqaba ." Between 1947 – 1948  a lot of people escaped from their own villages due to the massacres and ethnic cleansing to no way . Whereas some young, revolutionary and fearless men refused to leave and decided to fight . Said was one of them. He stayed at our field and decided to ask some fighters from the near cities  like al Majdal and Ashkelon to defend Ashdod and he went along with some fighters to smuggle fire guns from Egypt. We heard – my parents – that there was a strong, remarkable, and heroic resistance. Notwithstanding  there was a genocidal war against the indigenous. From that time we didn't know anything about Said ,some people who transferred later to Gaza said " He martyred while others said he got arrested, but that man swore that he is alive!"  ".  At 1994, my father's uncle, Ziad came to Gaza with the Palestinian authority and he gave surety the place of Said.  Said wasn't in Jordan but in Syria. From that time we quit thinking about Said. It was like a dilemma that is difficult to come over  ."

 As a child, I was fascinated about Said. He was like a secret or maze which I hope to go through . A  year after a year I was interested in collecting such stories . I heard varied similar things.  One of it was a story of a woman who was lost during the Nakba and her parents thought that she was one of the women who were slaughtered at the mid of the day in Hlekat, a small  village next to Ashdod.

 Umm Saleh narrated her story while she was  sinking in nonstop tears.   " I was so tired and there was a lot of people who flew from the neighboring areas . Hlekat was flooded with refugees and injured people . Neither there was  food, nor water. Nothing sufficient!  At that night, when the planes were bombing from the sky and the soldiers surrounding the village, they separated us and started to intimidate and kill  the women while their husbands and sons were under torture . At the end we left the village. Roads were endless, fear was fierce and hope was rare. I was only eleven years old. I searched for my parents but unsuccessfully then I gave up and stayed with a different  family for a whole year . I met my brother incidentally at khan -Younis who was shocked and scared. After that I went with him to  Beach camp where I cried beneath my parents feet."
More than once or maybe tens of times I tried to nominate and allocate the entire names of my family but at the end a splitting headache penetrated my head declaring that everything I've done was in vain. Said was an engraved name in my memory that  I can't erase .

He is alive, isn't he.?

 No,  no. He is died…

Maybe he is somewhere else .


Three hours ago I met him, he resembles my uncle Mohammed who martyred during the first intifada. He has deep eyes, with an eagle-like nose and weak body. It seems that he didn't sleep for an entire year. He has a lot to say but he didn't utter even a word, after a while his eyes were like a sky full of rain but he didn't cry. He sipped his plain coffee while puffing the smoke of the cigarettes out .

So, you miss your country, How was Syria ? " my grandfather murmured "

" I miss Syria and I love my country" the man said

Are you married? " my questioning granddad said"

" Yes, I am married with two sons and three daughters" the man said trembling

" Where are they? " granddad commented.

" I dunno?" the man with closed eyes.


I was sitting next to the door trying to hear what is going on and who is that man .

The voice was unclear and that man was so weak and hesitant. Suddenly the electricity went off , then it was my only chance to enter the room to offer a candle . Finally I did it . Now I can see and hear . All of my senses were sharpened  .

"She is Intimaa my elder granddaughter and he is Marzouk my nephew he is the son of Said " my granddad said while looking into Marzouk's face .

 I was out of words. I couldn't say anything nor say hello . I was foolish . It was a shock . I went far away to that song which called passport.

I saw Marcil Khalifa singing:

 They did not recognize me in the shadows
That suck away my color in this Passport
And to them my wound was an exhibit
For a tourist Who loves to collect photographs
They did not recognize me,
Ah... Don't leave
The palm of my hand without the sun
Because the trees recognize me
Don't leave me pale like the moon!

 Somebody opened the door and my father immediately came. He  kissed Marzouk and hugged him tightly.  I went to make the tea as quick as I can. Marzouk said that he flew from Syria and he no nothing about his family . He explained the situation there and how he lost his family. My granddad interrupted him by asking  how he ended up here  and how many brothers and sisters does he has .

 " My father died before fifteen years . I have only one sister who live in Saudi Arabia. We are not allowed to come to Gaza and we don't have Id's . It was difficult to reach you or to find a single information about the rest of the family . Actually my father had nothing to inherit us just our names and nationality, I know only that my name is Marzouk Said Ahmad from Ashdod.  The current situation in Syria pushed me to come here by the tunnels just to see if their anybody alive from my family. At Rafah I  asked about the family name. And I met some of them but they know nothing about Said. I asked for all the refugees from the same family but in vain. After all I asked about the citizens from the family and I finally arranged to meet you my uncle"Marzouk said.

 My grandfather took a cigarette and sighed: " Yes my son, It's another story, at the beginning my father refused to sign our papers as refugees. He considered  it as a matter of time and we will return soon. At the same time he believed that it's a shame. I mean to leave your son and your land. To ESCAPE . He regretted that and he wished to died there in Ashdod as Said , but even Said died in the exile "

Marzouk was so tired so he went in a deep sleep next to my granddad . He said that tomorrow he will go back to Syria 
I couldn't sleep. There is only one question inside my mind..Why??     

Saturday, February 16, 2013


أقِلي يا نجوم السما الإِرصَاف أو تَخَفِي بدثار ظلال

أو إذا شئتِ اشتعالا أو تجلي  بحمى لمعٍ بعد إبراق

و أكثري مكرا و تلوي بثوب نور و هداية للضلال

و زَنِري الأجواء سحرا تالله لا أُعِيرُك  اعتباري

أنتِ لستِ  الا نقصا  في اكتمالِ الرجاء مع الظلام

و أنا لستُ إلا احتلاكا من سوادٍ من قفارٍ من ضباب

إنّ في الرواسي لحضوري ابتهاجا ولليل جُل الفعال

ولي بأسُ صخرٍ و قلبُ حديدٍ لا يحيل عن المُحال

وإذا ما اشتدَ بي سقمُ قتلتُه بتجلدِ جبارٍ من حِراب

و كيف للفؤاد  من عظيمٍ إذا لم يَرُم غيرَ الصعاب

وسعدُ عيشٍ ما رأيتُ وكذا عيناي لم تشهدْ منام

أَنَّى للجروحِ شفاءُ وبها وابلٌ من سيفٍ يماني

وكيفما يا تَعْسَ حَظٍي صالحتُ الهمومَ حرَّقتنِي

وخبِرتُ أنَّ الشقي يشقى وأنا أصلُ الشقاء

وما لُمتُ الليلَ شيئا إلا إذْنَهُ للقمرِ التعالي

كيف يا ليل نورا وبقلبي دُجى الكون الكِثَارِ



Thursday, February 14, 2013

لست ذا النون

وأعودُ بعد الموت ..بقايا دخانٍ ولحدٍ قد إنحرَقْ

و أَهتِكُ ستر الظلام أشلاءَ  ليلٍ يستعرْ

وأغدُو كمن به نار ولا أَعفوُ للصبحِ جرحاً لا يندملْ

زارتنِي حماماتُ الكرى وغِبْنَ بعد صمتس لا ينقشعْ

وخرجتُ من تيه الرمال و معنى أبدا لن يكتملْ

أؤكدُ أن الذاكرة قد تيتمتْ .

.كلمةٌ بكلمة والحروف قصاصْ

وبين المدى والمدى ألفُ بارجةٍ وقلبٌ سرابْ

قال القائلُ: انه في زمان الأرباب

دُقَ عنقُ الموج حتى نَزَفَ الزبدْ

و النحيبُ عمَ وخَفَ وثَقُلَ وطافَ البراري

أرى الروحَ معلقةَ بين المدائن

مدينةٌ تشيخ

وأخرى تَلِدْ

ويَبْيَضُ الغمامُ ويقطرُ الشجرُ الحنظلا

و تسألني الحبيبةُ : أما زلتَ أنتَ أنتْ؟

إلى أن تزالي أنتي

وجعٌ يا تلك الضفة

وجعٌ يا تلك القِبْلَة

وجعٌ يا ذا السكون

وجعٌ يا حروفي

تعسكرتْ الفراشاتُ قربَ البئر

فصرخَ الجمرَ...

والقيءُ جناحانْ

له  ولها

ونَبَتَ الحجرُ في العَينْ

أعرِفُهُم ولا يَعْرِفُوني

لا يعرفوني وأعرِفُهم

وعرافةٌ هي المقصلة

تًجِزُ العنقَ الأرطبَ

و تُعَنْوُنُ الاسم بالاسم

قافيةٌ من المرتحلين

و جيشٌ من الراحلين

وأشباهُ ظلالٍ في المدينة

ووحَدَها من رفضتْ عادةَ  الحياة

ممحاةُ الذنوب


أنا لستُ ذا النون يا صغيرتي

أنا لست هو

ولا يقطينةُ في الغِيلِانَةِ المغبرة

ولا أورطيُ في القلبِ المنتفخ

نجماتُ الكون كلها أنتِ و..لكن لا تضادَ يبرزُ الإضاءة

رِعَافٌ شَلَّ أنفَ القصيدة

والمجازُ احمرا

و نَنْسَى ,, أجل,, ننسى أنها كانت الصغيرة نبوءةَ الموت

فلا الموت ينْسَاها ولا هي تًمْكُرُه

صلاةُ الأحبةِ دون كلام

ورسالةُ هو السلام

جثتْ طويلا تحت عينِ الغريبْ

الغريبُ: يقولُ : أعشقُهَا حرةً فكيف لي أن أُوَقِعَ ذاك العشق؟

سأتخذُ البحرَ وأهربُ منها إليها

ووحدَهَا والجبالَ ستبعثُنِي

أسطورةُ القمحِ السعيد

و أعودُ أنا خيطَ دخانٍ في انتهاءِ الروحِ من إنتمائها

Thursday, January 31, 2013

In vain, my candle cried

The blockade of the gaza strip refers to a land, air, and sea blockade on the gaza strip by Isael and Egypt. Israel eased the blockade for non-military goods in June 2010 and Egypt reopened the Rafah border crossing in 2011 for persons
The above " definition" is mentioned in Wikipedia to explain the atrocious siege which imposed on Gaza strip since 2006 and left more than a million and a half Gazans suffer awfully under poverty, disease, lack of primal needs and darkness .
Alas world, The Wikipedia is so barren and double-dealing in defining Gaza strip siege. Actually it doesn't have any right to give a such definition . It is not about opening or reopening or allowance and banning. It is about human beings, agonized souls that can't find even a fresh air to pass through the silly, fucking ,world-made borders.  It is a crime against HUMANITY..
  It is about a friend of mine who was alive just a day after her first night as a bride, when she went to turn on the generator at the time of the power cut that immediately exploded and left her a dead body while her husband was weeping .  
A critical eye can see it a premeditated tactic and intended way to ethnically cleansed the indigenous people who have only one crime, being   " Palestinians" .
Palestinian means to die every single minute thinking and anticipating What will be the next? Who will die shivering and waiting on the cold boundaries FOR the sake OF a signature ON a paper FOR a  permission TO an urgent operation?
Palestinian means : a pale face with a settled grief  inside  helpless eyes above vanished cheeks .
Unfortunately the position of the  international law is absent -as usual--,  while the Arab countries are more than aware not to awake  Israel's anger, the issue of the children's of Palestine is not the issue of king Abdulla, nor Obama .They are not their children. Therefore it's only THEIR  issue , Palestinians, to scarify with their blood and souls underneath  the hammer and anvil, but Many are not even fortunate enough to be able to live this life.  
Neither the words could be enough to curse, nor the humanity to bear. Gaza siege is the epic which will never be written, Tantalus' agony that accompanied the Palestinian issue since the birth, and the Trojan War of the twentieth first century that is resurrected to shape the story of  holy land. I am certain that she tightly held her fourth-months baby and put her other three children under her sight, then she was cursing the flames. Perhaps she was shouting at her husband to search for a shelter or to play the role of the saver. If that's happened it was in vain. The father passed away and the three children  too. The fire was wild when the flames were up. At the end the mother kissed her baby and both went through endless sleep. 
Hazem , the fahther,32 years old .
Samar, the mother, 30 years old. 
kamer 4 months
Farah 3 years old
Nabeel 5 years old
Mahmoud 6 years old
They WERE a nice and simple family.  Their plight at that night and other nights was to find a candle to shatter the darkness and displace the time till the electricity come at morning. Unfortunately all of them were burned before seeing the next day. At that early morning I was waiting a myth to take  place, a  phoenix to come out from the flames and  shout " here, I am !",  but the result was nothing , all of them weren't a phoenix . I know that I am exaggerating and I am an extra-dreamer. But even though I am certain that their souls still hovering in the immortal sky like a phoenix singing psalm of immortality.
"Concerning nonviolence: It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the law." Malcolm X.
To Malcolm X
I am a Palestinian, or let me be  precise I am a Gazan . My neighbors where KILLED. The government says " The killer  is the candle",  and the sentence is to kill every candle in our darkness. But I need LIGHT.
 Somebody says "There is no light just the siege.".
 Others say " You are terrorists Palestinians and we won't open the borders. You will use it to make weapons" ,
" Deal with Israel in a non-violent way, then the siege will end" somebody's comment
Sir Malcolm X give me A RIFLE to kill  the non-violence  

Friday, January 11, 2013



فلتتمجد هذي النارُ والحطبْ وليمحو رمادَها الرمدْ

هذي السحرية ُالأُبَهِية ُالغجريةُ الاّثِرَة ُالمُؤثِرَة

هذي نديمُ الوحيد..و قشةُ الغريق

و برد التأمل في ليل البعيد

هي البسيطة استحضَرتهَا بحجر..

و هي العجيبة ُلا قتلها احدٌ و ادعى السَلَم

مؤنثة دون تاء زائدة و حانية دون مطر

التقيتُها في الصفحة الحادية والعشرين من الكتاب المدرسي للمرحلة الدنيا

و هي تأكل بعضها إن لم تجد ما تأكله

سأوقدُها ولتشتعل ..شمس في زنزانةٍ قبرْ

وضوء لعيني أيوب حين أعاد ريحُ القميص البصر

فلتتمجد هذي الجميلة ُ

كليوباترا في معبد الهرم

وازي ريس..تطعم ايزيس حبَها و البشر

ولتعلو وتلعو بلهيبِها لحاء الشجر

أراها حين قتلوا بلادي

وأراها حين انعكس المَنْفَى على المنْفِّي

قبالة شواطئ الكاريبي

و أراها تعتركُ و الحدود على وثيقة سفر

علها تجوُب أرجائي ولا تحرقني

 إبراهيم سوسنهُ سائبةُ في حضنِها

أأسطورةٌ هي النار؟؟

أجل ......هي الاولمب

قام الغريب وادعى الفُصام وقال: نضبَ اللهب

وحين انكفأ على صورتهِ في المرايا ظهرتْ ميدوسا

و أعادَ في اسمها النظر







أولى رسائل العاشقين في ليل السمر

اّخر مسالك الأنبياء إلى المساء في السماء السابعه

و  بشارة القادمين الى كنائس مريم

و أرض الكنانة

ليس ما مضى أمامَها ولا الحاضر ولا الاّت

كيانُ مستقل بأوج عنقاؤنا الخضراء

نّداهةٌ في الحقول وبين الظباء و عيون الشفق العسلية

ادخلوها بسلام اّمنين

نارُ تلَظَى وانتم بمستقر سنبلة في قرار مكين

نار ٌتلظى ودفء على المرفأ الغريق

Sunday, January 6, 2013



وحينما أَلوذُ بنفسي إلى نفسي أرى النارَ تجولُ سيلا في الحشايا
و لا أرى أحدا بصحبي غير مجمرتي تُحَّرِقُ ما فيّ من  خبايا
ويَبيَضُ الليلُ كل طلوع شمس  بعدما ذَوَبْتُ نجومَ السما تِعدادا
وما إنْ يجيءُ الصبحُ حتى يَحِيلُ إلى ظُلَمٍ لا تُعرَفُ الا كدارا
فما  بين صبحٍ وليل تَراني أُحاكي نَجمهَا و شمسَها الأكوانا
وغداةُ يومٍ لَجَّ بي الجنونُ سكِّيرا فدعانيْ إلى ما تحت البحارا
فضِعتُ و ضاعَ رُشدي حتى تألبَ قاعُ الماء نارا من لَظَايّا
وتداعيتُ يوما بقيظ في شديدِ بردٍ و بهِ ويلٌ من جهنمَ كْ الزُؤاما
و أبصرتُ بجانبي بُوما عبوسا على مقلتيها عطشُ   ظمآنا
قالتْ: يا إنسي  ؟؟ مالي أراكَ صحواً؟ مالي أراكَ غَلْوَ حَرَّانا ؟
قلتُ  أيْ رفيقة الظلام صمتا, يا أختُ كفاكي تمتمتهً كفاكي أحزانا
وانظري هاكي السما و تلكمُ الرواسي تحتها و فوقها  الصولجانا
ما بك وبي ؟ دعيني في ليلي أباعدُ عن قومي ما استطعتُ أقواما
لست بسميرٍ ولا نديمُ حانةٍ ولا أَمْلُكُ قدَحَا فخليني وحدي وجِفْنَايَّا
قالتْ فكِلْ بالميزان واقْسِطْ و زِنْ همومي في همومكَ كأنهن أحشادا
أنا الشؤمُ و رديفُ البَيْنِ و إن راّْني فاقدُ البصرِ فرَّ مُدبرا من لُقْيَا يّا
وكم من فجيعةٍ وكم من مُصابٍ وكم من فِراقٍ حُمِّلتُ وِزْرَهُ و رُؤيَاّيّا
و ترانيْ في بهيمِ الليل وَحدِي أنوحُ على الأقدارِ ما من سميع لشكوايا
أتسمعُ  الغرابَ في الصبح مَرِحَا يَنْعَقُ مفاخرةً وأنا والظلام لسنا نِيَاما  
أتيتُ أطلبُ الجوار, فناصحني وانظُرْ بالألمِ ما تَبوحُ به أقذاءُ عينايّا
أَدمانيْ قولُكِ  يا أختُ مهلا !قد مَاج في العينين إِثر بكاكي  ذكرى بلوايّا
أنا مثلكُ يا مُعذَبةُ مشكاةُ ليلٍ  تَنْظُرُ  الجوزاءَ من مَطْلَعٍها حتى الغيابا
كنتُ حجرا وجبروتُ صخرٍ وأُجاَلِدُ الأحزانَ صفعاً فقالوا: ويحَ إنسانا
فغَدوتُ مراس الريح في الخريف يعْصِفُنِي عَصْفَهُم و لهم مَادَت حبيبتايا
وإذا ما طرِبُوا طَرِبتُ منشداً قصيد الهوى من رَوَاحِ الاطيارِ حتى الماّبا
 وكم تناسيتُ يوما إذا مَرُوا يتقاذفُونَ جِرَاحيْ وهاجَ منهمُ اللسانُ بالهجاءا
ظَنُوا إذ أرضَيتُهمْ جُبْنَا , وإذ راحتْ أقدامي في الفلواتِ بعيداً صُنْعَ شيطانا
و ربي حِرْتُ بهم حتى مادت من تأوههي عاليات السما وما تحتها من حنايا
أأنتظرُ صحبا لا يُصَاحَبُ أم حبيبا وشى لعاذلات الكيد جَرحا خفيا لا يُرَامَا
خليني يا أختُ وحدي على شاشي و مِقْفَرَتِّي لا أطلبُ أحدا من لَدُنِ نسيانا
وسقطتْ عيون البوم تَلْثِمُ الارض من فوق شجرٍ كان و ربُ الناس فاتَنا بسَّاما
هيهات  يا قلبُ مني. ألا قد زادَ التمادي فحاذرْ من قَتْلِكَ يومَ ترَانِي بين قَتْلايا